Friday, May 29, 2009


Goodbye uni...

Its a great pleasure and very honour to study at this university. I find it a bit different from my previous studies such as in places, peolpe that i meet, the modules, the events and the styles of teaching here. i find it very challenging which i can say that i'm futurenet to come from here with good grades (which i hope for)...

A good dinner with friends is one of the best moment that i have but quite sad not all of them can make it, however i eat for your guys portion also, so no worries...kekeke.:P...

Those who finish this year, congrats and happy summer holidays while you stull can...and those who will continue there studies, all the best for your studies and goodluck...quite sad that i had to finish my studies here....should i continue with Msc then..???....then should be another year....

tiscra was the first place that i usualy hangout since got no computer yet at that time...

The valley of knowledge, although not often when there, but some time is a nice place to study..

Lecture build, manage to get some class some funny memmory there, which some ppl saying the qoutes " please be .......... or I switch off the door...all the student was

the place that me and my friends usually hang out and eat....

The admin build...

the build that most of the time i spend during my 3rd year of study...

yap the labs are here....

However, i think i have been studing for quite long i guess, i mean in terms of educational..but long we life, we will learn, may be not in engineering or business or accountant modules but learn about life..

Now with me already finish, a new stage have come but before that, need to clean the house once i got back...:P is being a while since i clean the house.....till next time...

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