Sunday, February 22, 2009

Alloo and Konichiwa ^^

Continue from the previous part

As you can see I’m very new to this blogging thing, it taking me a while to update my own blog. Oh well what to do since I’m very new with it, :P, however,I still find time to chill around and may be buy and fix my GUNDAM hohohoho when I’m free or bored.

one of my gundam collection.

Any ways, before I come up with the name of my blog, I ask some ideas from friends about the what title I can I used as my blog name. It is not that easy to come up with the names that suit it, however after long run of thinking, at last manage to come up with the title hehehe with helps from friends, THANK YOU and also THANKS for this friend of my how design the banner and the sites, THANK YOU VERY MUCH friend of mine.

P.S Thanks for the support that you guys give me all this times, my family, new and old friends…THANKS again.

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