Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Book of knowledge......

After some rearranging of my room, I come across my old reading books. All the books is qutie interesting to me once i was a kid. I think i know roughly why i took enginneering course..:P

children craft books, got the whole set of it..

A set of books call the World Book Encyclopedia..
may be not as updates as knw but is was update back then..:p.

books about dinosours....

During that time, I was amaze by the jet engine and aircraft..

books about hows the jet engines work...^^

another book about hows jet engines work..keke..^^

Once I go to uni, then i went to this one of the class that teach about the engines and it cycle....it was cool and was amaze myself during the class, sad thing about it is not under my course, is under different engineering department and also they have exam paper, but i manage to snick inside the class to see and learn about the enginees and it was cool execpt that u need to seat for the exam, ayaik...:p..any way is was enjoyfull learning it...

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